Classes taught by UK qualified instructor. Get professional help at a fraction of the cost.

Body Pump


This is a Moderate to advanced class for both women & men, using a variety of equipment , including barbells & weight plates and focusing on the major muscle groups in your whole body, to optimize results and boost your body’s toning rate.

Sweet Cheeks & Ab Attack


This class focuses on key areas women often feel lose shape, thighs, buttock and stomach. Using carefully researched exercises that have proven results time after time. This class is suitable for beginners to the more experienced fitness enthusiast, guaranteed to tighten your butt & stomach fast.



This is a fun class for all fitness levels, using the Swiss Fitball for 90% of the exercises, it is a low impact class, great for any women with a previous injury or any muscle or joint problems. It is a full body work out and will help to sculpt all your major muscles. 

Fat Burner Advanced

This is an intense rapid result class suitable for male and female exercise enthusiasts, this class has guaranteed results and beats any other type of aerobics class. Using a high repetition structure, specially selected exercises and minimal rest, you can burn up to 500 calories in just 50 minutes.  Advanced fat burner class is for the more experienced exercise enthusiast.

Zumba Fitness

The revolutionary dance fitness class, suitable for all fitness levels. Every class feels like a party! You don't even have to know how to dance. Just move your body and follow the teachers lead. It's easy! You will exercise without even knowing you're doing it! Come and try it, we guarantee you will have a blast and we hope to make you SMILE, SHAKE, and SWEAT at this high-energy class.

Rapid Fit

This class uses the latest compound exercises which will challenge multiple muscles groups in just one move, it is structured to work the whole body and train to fatigue. Properly executed this class can excel your fitness levels and bring on rapid results. This class is an advanced class suitable for both men & women with an understanding & moderate level of fitness.

Max Abs & Core

This class uses advanced exercise techniques to help tone and shape your physic, primarily targeting your abdominal muscles. The class is structured to challenge your fitness level, improve you core strength and is also designed to get fast results! It is a moderate to advanced class but can be enjoyed by all fitness levels, as teacher Sarah will help any beginners with their technique and can give alternative exercises for less experienced exercise enthusiast.

Pre Natal Fitball

Following a similar structure to the standard Fitball class but adapted for expecting mums, by selecting exercises that will both benefit you during labor and help tighten muscles that become stretched from your ever changing body shape, this class is suitable for mums during each stage of pregnancy and adaption will be given to suit each class member. This class is taught by a fully qualified professional in exercise & pregnancy…with over 6 year’s experience of safely teaching expecting mums.